**PAYMENT OPTIONS: For First Friday Improv, you may prepay online with your credit card via PayPal, or feel free to bring cash, check or credit/debit card to the class. Checks should be payable to MotionArt. The suggested donation is to cover costs of the musician and space rental. While no one is turned away for lack of funds, our suggested donation, if able, is $5 – $15.

First Friday Improv Gathering
90 mins.

Held on the first Friday of every month, these events are open to all ages and levels of ability. We improvise together based on movement ideas offered by individuals in the group. As we dance, we practice remaining present in the moment, responding to other dancers, finding new ways of moving, and discovering form as it emerges.


Time: Fridays 6:30 – 8:00 PM 

Location: CFPA*

Cost: Suggested donation $5 – $15
